Monday, August 20, 2012

DIY Pool Skirt

Hey y'all! I'm finally back from the Big Apple and in Athens finishing up my last semester which is still blowing my mind. While up in the city this summer and living with Grand-dad we would spend our evenings with a bowl of Turkey Hill icecream and watching TV. One of our favorite's was the Bachelorette with Emily. In the final episode, when she was on her date with Jef she wore a really cute skirt for Blue Planet. I thought it was adorable and went to go look up the price it was over $100! Way too much for this broke college student!! But after looking at the image they had I realized I could make it, so I did! So here are the steps to make a great, sleek pool skirt or I can make one for you :)

1 yd of Jersey Cotton in white [the amount is dependent on hip measurements]
Dye of preferred color
Thick Black Elastic Waistband
Black Thread
Measuring Tape
Sewing Machine

1.) Run the fabric under hot water to get rid of any particles that could alter the dying process.
2.) Based on what dye you bought follow the directions carefully. I soaked my fabric in the yellow dye for a longer amount of time because I wanted it to be brighter. The directions also suggested to add a cup of salt to the dye mixture for cotton fabrics to help the dye stay.
3.) After achieving the color you want, machine wash and dry the fabric.
4.) Measure your hip, where the waistband will rest and sew the connecting piece.
*The following measurements used is based on my sizing and is different for everyone.
5.) Cut 6 inches of your fabric and sew it to the front of your black waistband. Since it will be a raw edge and you want a smooth line fold the top hem of the panel in.
6.) With the remaining fabric, sew to the waistband and bring the excess infront of the sewing panel so it overlaps. Again fold the edges in, I did about 3 folds to create a smooth pleat. I believe I put a 2.5 inch overlap on front panel and it's vital to make sure everything is even. My mom helped me put this together and pinned the fabric to the band while I wore the skirt.

7.) Have fun with your new sleek pool/beach skirt!

As I said earlier I wouldn't mind making anyone a skirt for $50 so if you're interested email me at! I'm making my roommate a hot pink so you can get creative :)

Photographed and Accessorized by Alyssa Mastrianni [check out her fashion blog]
Bathing Suit: Flirt in Athens, GA
Black Tank: TJ Maxx
Fedora: American Threads in Cumming, GA

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