Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My First Blog!

So I've always thought about blogging but never thought I would have anything interesting to write about and it would be ignored just like my Twitter account. While there is a high percentage of that to become true, I'm really going to try with this one :) What started this to actually happen? A new love, way to procrastinate anything that is productive is, no not Facebook, but a love/addiction with pinterest (follow me). It's a great site where you can post pictures of anything you see on the internet that ranges from clothes to food to decorating ideas. So one day I came across this pin that says "Make a career out of the things you do when you don't want to work" so I realized that's looking for clothes, socializing/social networking or thinking of ways to redecorate. So hence my majors and my a hobby of remodeling old furniture. Yes, I have an electric sander and I love telling people (especially guys) that I have one and that it is used frequently. While working on projects for my new apartment today, I was telling my roommates how I want to blog but don't know what to blog about and in unison they go "BLOG about your furniture remodels." So hear we go...

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