Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sprite pancakes.

(After staying in last night I woke up at 9 am this morning and its almost 1 and I feel like I've already done so much!)

But yes you read the title right! This morning for breakfast we were out of milk so Katherine and I made Fluffy Milk-Free Pancakes. The substitute? 7up (we used Sprite) and beaten egg whites! It was actually really good and sweet. Definitely recommend this recipe if you are ever short on milk or out. Of course the breakfast was complete with, the TJ-Maxx check-out find, coconut coffee. which we are becoming very sad that it's getting low. :( 

Of course my genius self thought it would be a great idea to go for a run for the first time in a few MONTHS after eating. I literally had to look for my shoes...but I'm proud of myself for actually running but the amount I ran was embarrassing and made me realize I really need to get into shape. Well I'm off to go put together my wedding vignette for AWP Bridal Show tomorrow! 

Enjoy this beauty full Saturday!


  1. Colleen! I love your blog :) I have a blog too since like September but I have a phobia of going public to anyone but my family lol. Your pictures are so cute! Now I'm going to have to add you to my daily morning round of visiting my favorite blogs :) keep up the good work! Miss youuu

  2. KATELYN! you should totally go public!! thank you so much! we need to get together soon and catch up, folding clothes and talking over large crowds of people isn't sufficient enough!
